Manufacturers & Exporters

Product Photoshoot, Video Production



We partnered with Aikhya to achieve their branding and marketing goals through innovative campaigns, including a prestigious brand launch event, captivating product photoshoots, a user-friendly website, an emotional documentary video, and a unique logo design.



Aikhya Brand Launch Event at Conrad Hotel 2021: Curated a prestigious and immersive event to introduce Aikhya, highlighting core values and building connections with the target audience and industry stakeholders.


Aikhya Product Photoshoot: Employed creative photography techniques and visual styling to showcase Aikhya's products in an aesthetically appealing manner, aligning with the brand identity.


Aikhya Website: Designed a modern and responsive website with an intuitive user interface, informative content, and seamless navigation to enhance the user experience.


Aikhya Documentary Video in Karur, TN: Conducted thorough research, scripted an engaging story, and captured authentic footage to create an emotionally impactful documentary.


Aikhya Logo Designing: Collaborated closely with Aikhya's team to understand their vision and values, designing a unique and representative logo that stands out in the market


Asthra Digitech's execution of innovative campaigns with Aikhya led to remarkable success, establishing a strong brand presence, driving increased customer engagement and sales, and creating lasting connections through captivating storytelling.


● Aikhya's brand launch event received widespread media coverage, gaining industry recognition.

● The captivating product photoshoot increased customer engagement and boosted sales.

● Aikhya's user-friendly website experienced higher traffic and improved conversion rates.

● The emotional documentary video garnered widespread praise, strengthening brand loyalty.

● Aikhya's unique logo design became a memorable symbol, resonating with the target audience.

Our partnership with Aikhya showcases our dedication to crafting compelling narratives and executing successful campaigns that elevate brands in the digital landscape.